Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Noun Phrases

Look around the room or the classroom you're sitting in — the more "stuff" in the room, the better. Name some things that somebody must have carried into the room.
desks, chairs, flag, clock, computers, keyboards, projector, books, bookcases, pens, notebooks, backpacks, lights, students (Well, maybe the students walked in under their own power!)
Now name some things that are part of the room itself.
floor, wall, ceiling, windows, door, chalkboard
You can imagine there being more than one of everything you've named so far — although you might have to have more than one room to have more than one floor or ceiling. These are all COUNT NOUNS, things that you can count.
Usage Notes:
Count nouns can be pluralized when appropriate. See the section on Plurals for help with the proper formation of noun plurals.
We can use expressions such as
many bottles
few bottles
a few bottles
These nouns, both singular and plural, can be preceded by the appropriate definite and indefinite articles — the with both singular and plural, a or an with singular count-nouns.
Singular count nouns can be preceded by this and that and by every, each, either, and neither.
Plural count nouns can be preceded by these and those and by some, any, enough, and the zero article. The phrase number of is accompanied by count nouns.
Count nouns cannot be preceded by much. The phrase amount of is also a sure sign that you are not dealing with a count noun.
Here is a list of MASS NOUNS for you to consider. Can you count any of these things? Do we use the plural form of any of these words in common speech and writing? What do the things in the first column have in common? the second column? In the first section, above, we named things in the classroom that we could count. What are some things in the same room that we can't count?


Usage Notes:

Are there categories of things in the third and fourth columns as well? Click HERE for categories we see.
Generally, these nouns cannot be pluralized. The non-count nouns of the second column (foodstuff) are pluralized when we use the word to express a "type":
There are new wines being introduced every day.
The waters of the Atlantic are much warmer this time of year.
The Dutch are famous for their cheeses.
The spring rains came early.
We can use expressions such as
much harm
little harm
a little harm
It is appropriate to precede these nouns with a definite or indefinite article.
the sunshine
an experience
a wine
But they frequently appear with zero article:
Smoking is bad for you.
Poetry is beautiful.
Sugar is sweet.
Experience is the best teacher.
These nouns can be preceded by some, any, enough, this, that, and much.
Because they are not countable, these nouns cannot be preceded by these, those, every, each, either, and neither
Here is a list of ABSTRACT NOUNS for you to think about. Can you touch or see any of these things in the physical sense? Can you count any of them? Can you create sentences in which some of these words can be used as plurals?

Usage Notes:

Because they refer to ideas, concepts, it is difficult to see how abstract nouns can be pluralized. In fact, many of them cannot be. The abstract nouns in the first two columns (above) cannot be pluralized; the abstract nouns in the second two columns can be. The section below discusses what happens to an abstract noun when it is pluralized.
The griefs of the nation are too much to bear.
The editors took liberties with our prose.
She formed many friendships at college.
In terms of quantifiers and words that precede these words, what we say about the non-count nouns, above, can be said about abstract nouns.
How can something be BOTH a COUNT NOUN and a MASS NOUN?
If we conceive of the meaning of a noun as a continuum from being specific to being general and abstract, we can see how it can move from being a count noun to a mass noun. Consider, for example, the noun experiences. When I say
I had many horrifying experiences as a pilot.
I'm referring to specific, countable moments in my life as a pilot. When I say,
This position requires experience.
I'm using the word in an abstract way; it is not something you can count; it's more like an idea, a general thing that people need to have in order to apply for this job.

If I write
The talks will take place in Degnan Hall.
these talks are countable events or lectures. If I say
I hate it when a meeting is nothing but talk.
the word talk is now uncountable; I'm referring to the general, abstract idea of idle chatter. Evils refers to specific sins — pride, envy, sloth, and everyone's favorite, gluttony — whereas evil refers to a general notion of being bad or ungodly.

One more example: "I love the works of Beethoven" means that I like his symphonies, his string quartets, his concerti and sonatas, his choral pieces — all very countable things, works. "I hate work" means that I find the very idea of labor, in a general way, quite unappealing. Notice that the plural form means something quite different from the singular form of this word; they're obviously related, but they're different. What is the relationship between plastic and plastics, wood and woods, ice and [Italian] ices, hair and hairs?

Further, as noted earlier, almost all mass nouns can become count nouns when they are used in a classificatory sense:
They served some nice Brazilian wines.
There were some real beauties in that rose garden.
We had some serious difficulties in this project.
But some things cannot be made countable or plural: we cannot have furnitures, informations, knowledges, softnesses, or chaoses. When in doubt, consult a good dictionary.
Often a noun phrase is just a noun or a pronoun:
People like to have money.
I am tired.
It is getting late.
or a determiner and a noun …:

Our friends have bought a house in the village.
Those houses are very expensive.
… perhaps with an adjective:
Our closest friends have just bought a new house in the village.
Sometimes the noun phrase begins with a quantifier:
All those children go to school here.
Both of my younger brothers are married
Some people spend a lot of money.

Quantifiers come before determiners, but numbers come after determiners:

My four children go to school here. (All my children go to school here.)
Those two suitcases are mine. (Both those suitcases are mine)

So the noun phrase is built up in this way:

Noun: people; money
Determiner + noun: the village, a house, our friends; those houses
Quantifier + noun: some people; a lot of money
Determiner + adjective + noun: our closest friends; a new house.
Quantifier + determiner + noun: all those children;
Quantifier + determiner + adjective + noun: both of my younger brothers

The noun phrase can be quite complicated:

a loaf of nice fresh brown bread
the eight-year-old boy who attempted to rob a sweet shop with a pistol
that attractive young woman in the blue dress sitting over there in the corner

Tiada hari tanpa beribadah
« Contoh surat permintaan dan keluhanIdentify the correct determiners in the following sentences »
Noun Phrases
Suatu frasa (=phrase) adalah sekelompok kata yang di dalamnya terdapat satu kata pokok (=headword) dengan kata-kata yang lain menerangkan kata pokok tersebut.
Frasa Benda (Noun Pharases) :
Suatu frasa benda adalah suatu frasa di mana kata pokoknya adalah kata benda dengan kata-kata lain yang menerangkan kata benda tersebut.
Kata atau kata-kata yang menerangkan ini bisa terletak di depan atau di belakang kata benda itu.
Pembentukan Frasa Benda :
Frasa benda bisa di bentuk dengan susunan kata-kata seperti berikut :
1.      a) Idefinite Article + Noun

yang di maksud dengan Idefinite article adalah kata (sandang) a dan an.
Contoh : a truck                  an examination                        an investment
Rangkaian kata a truck adalah suatu frasa kata benda, a menerangkan kata benda truck ; truck adalah kata kepala (headword) dalam frasa tersebut, a adalah kata yang menerangkan kata kepala.

Penjelasan :

# a atau an artinya satu (sebuah, sebutir, sebatang, seekor, dsb) dan diletakkan di depan kata benda yang di terangkan.
# a digunakan apabila kata yang mengikutinya berawal dengan bunyi mati, misalnya : a man, a star dll. An digunakan apabila kata berikunya berawalan dengan bunyi hidup, misalnya : an astrich, an exam, dll.
# a atau an hanya diikuti oleh kat benda yang bisa dihitung (countable nouns) dan jumlahnya satu atau kata benda tunggal (singular).
b) Definite Article + Noun
yang dimaksud dengan Definite article adalah kata sandang The.

Contoh : the ship               the soup           the cars            the model
Rangkaian kata kata dia atas adalah frasa benda. The menarangkan kata benda ship, soup, cars model. Kata-kata ship, soup, cars,model adalah kata-kata kepala ; the menerangkan kata kepala.

Penjelasan :
# the sering diartikan : tersebut, itu, tadi.
# the bisa diikuti oleh benda yang jumlahnya satu atau tunggal, misalnya the sea, the process, dll; atau diikuti oleh benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu atau jamak, misalnya the people, the poets,dll; dan bisa pula diikuti oleh benda yang tak bisa dihitung, misalnya the water, the nitrogen.
c) Demonstrative Adjective + Noun
yang dimaksud dengan demonstrative adjective adalah kata this, these, that, dan those.
Contoh : This song                      That poem                   those disasters
That stranger                These tragedies           this liquid
Penjelasan :
# This dan that digunakan bila bendanya tunggal atau bila bendanya tak bisa dihitung ; these dan those bila bendanya jamak.
d) Possesive Adjective + Noun

yang dimaksud dengan possessive adjective adalah kata-kata yang menyatakan pemilik sesuatu, misalnya my, yours, his, her, its, our, their, jean’s, Mr.Jones’, dab.
Contoh : Her computers                   your ideas                    brittany’s question
Penjelasan :
# Orang atau sesuatu yang menjadi pemilik sesuatu dinyatakan dengan ‘s , misalnya Han’s house, the sun’s energy, dll.
# Bila pemiliknya sudah berakhir dengan –s , tambahkan saja tanda (‘) tanpa –s, misalnya Hans’ racket, students’, dsb.

2.      Numerals (kata bilangan)

Yang dimaksud dengan numerals adalah one, two, three, ten, dst.

Contoh : two tympanis (=dua buah timpani)

Four members (=empat orang anggota)

Three guest (=ketiga tamu)

3.      Quantitative adjective + Noun

Adalah kata yang menyatakan banyaknya suatu benda, misalnya some, any, much, many, a lot of, few, a little, dsb.

Contoh : some marvels                        much wine                   many wife

Penjelasan :

# Some dan any berarti ‘beberapa’ atau ‘sedikit’. Some dan any digunakan untuk menerangkan semua benda (singular, plural, countable, uncountable).

# much dan many berarti banyak. Much untuk menerangkan uncountable nouns ; many untuk countable nouns.

# a lot of untuk menerangkan benda jamak dan uncountable nouns.

# few and a little berarti sedikit (lebih sedikit daripada some atau any). Few untuk menerangkan plural nouns ; a little untuk menerangkan uncountable nouns.

4.      Qualitative adjective + Noun

Adalah kata yang menunjukan sifat atau keadaan suatu benda, misalnya : white, large, important, harmless, dsb.

Contoh : kind treatments                    clear sky                      underpaid works

Pembentukan Noun phrase dengan of

Of digunakan untuk menggabung dua nouns atau noun phrases, dimana noun yang di depan merupakan bagian dari atau milik noun di belakang of dan keseluruhannya membentuk noun phrases baru ; frase benda ini masih bisa dihubungkan dengan of dengan frasa lain hingga tak terbatas.

Contoh :      the roof of the house (=atap rumah)

Pengertian Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase adalah frasa antara noun, pronoun, atau number (berfungsi sebagai head) dan satu atau lebih modifier.


Frasa kata benda ini digunakan ketika single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk menunjuk suatu
kata benda.

Contoh Noun Phrase:

Anda ingin mengatakan ke teman ada bahwa seseorang wanita yang ada dikerumunan orang-orang adalah saudara anda. Maka anda dapat mengatakan:

The fair-skinned woman with a red T-shirt and black skirt is my sister.


Basic Noun Phrase

Komponen basic noun phrase terdiri dari:

determiners, yaitu: pre (multiplier, fraction, distributive, intensifier, exclamative), central (article, possessive, demonstrative), dan/atau post-determiner (number, quantifier).
head, yaitu: noun atau numeral/number.

Contoh basic noun phrase:

my bag
Keterangan: my= possessive, bag= head

the next page
Keterangan: the= article, next= number, page= head

Complex Noun Phrase

Komponen complex noun phrase terdiri dari:

Pre-modifiers, merupakan modifiers yang ditempatkan sebelum head, yaitu: determiners, adjective, adjective phrase, participle (active & passive), & kata benda lain.
Head, yaitu: noun, pronoun, atau number, dan/atau
Post-Modifiers, merupakan modifiers yang ditempatkan setelah head, yaitu: prepositional phrase, participle (active & passive), to infinitive, relative clause, dan complementation.
Contoh complex noun phrase:

A love letter put on my bag
Keterangan: a= determiner, love= kata benda lain, letter= head, put= past participle, on my bag= prepositional phrase
The rich in the world who cares with the poor
Keterangan: the= determiner, rich= adjective, in the world= prepositional phrase, who cares with the poor= relative clause
[big]Semoga tulisan pengertian, macam, dan contoh noun phrase ini bermanfaat dan mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan. Feel free to comment! :)

Recognize a noun phrase when you see one.
A noun phrase includes a noun—a person, place, or thing—and the modifiers which distinguish it.
You can find the noun dog in a sentence, for example, but you don't know which canine the writer means until you consider the entire noun phrase: that dog, Aunt Audrey's dog, the dog on the sofa, the neighbor's dog that chases our cat, the dog digging in the new flower bed.
Modifiers can come before or after the noun. Ones that come before might include articles, possessive nouns, possessive pronouns, adjectives, and/or participles.
Articles: a dog, the dog
Possessive nouns: Aunt Audrey's dog, the neighbor's dog, the police officer's dog
Possessive pronouns: our dog, her dog, their dog
Adjectives: that dog, the big dog, the spotted dog

Participles: the drooling dog, the barking dog, the well trained dog
Modifiers that come after the noun might include prepositional phrases, adjective clauses, participle phrases, and/or infinitives.
Prepositional phrases: a dog on the loose, the dog in the front seat, the dog behind the fence
Adjective clauses: the dog that chases cats, the dog that looks lost, the dog that won the championship
Participle phrases: the dog whining for a treat, the dog clipped at the grooming salon, the dog walked daily
Infinitives: the dog to catch, the dog to train, the dog to adopt
Less frequently, a noun phrase will have a pronoun as its base—a word like we, everybody, etc.—and the modifiers which distinguish it. Read these examples:
We who were green with envy
We = subject pronoun; who were green with envy = modifier.
Someone intelligent
Someone = indefinite pronoun; intelligent = modifier.
No one important

No one = indefinite pronoun; important = modifier.


Senin, 10 Juni 2013


" Let’S Be Friends "
Between love and friendship, friendship is always the more logical choice to go with. Why? It's a simple utilitarian reason, the damage will be less, people will suffer less, and ultimately, no one will hurt the way lovers hurt when they break up. Thus, friends who fall in love with each other more often than not choose friendship and throw love away on the side. Some brave souls on the other hand, choose love over friendship, thinking that their friendship is worth risking to go up to the next level.
You are here, reading this narrative right now, because you have decided to stay as friends and turn your back on love. I'm not going to say that you made the right decision, because really, nobody knows. But if you decided on one thing, make sure that you stick to it. To keep you from falling too deep in love with your friend, here are some of the things you could do to avoid it.
1. Don't play with fire
This is just the same as saying that if you are on a diet, then stop hanging out on the dessert table. When you think that you are falling in love with your friend, then it will be best if you take some time off and stop hanging out with each other especially if you are alone. The danger of that is, your time being together will only make the feeling develop until you can't just ignore it anymore.
2. Communicate less
Communication is a facet that could nurture a relationship; thus, it follows that if you don't want a relationship to progress, then you should cut the string that binds it. I'm not saying that you should not communicate for the rest of your life. What I'm trying to say is to limit it. Like for example, if you talk for hours and hours in your smartphone before, this time try to limit it to just a couple of minutes, and don't let it drag even longer.
3. Spend more time with your other friends
Reaching out for your other friends whom you haven't seen in a while is not that much of a bother. Try to catch up with them for old time's sake. Make yourself feel that you have a lot of friends and not just him or her. Spend more time with your same sex friends. Enjoy yourself without the worry of falling in love with whomever among them.
4. Weigh both sides
Analyze both sides of your dilemma, and make a mental picture of what are the rewards and repercussions of your decision against the one that you did not choose. Like when you are shopping, you choose between a smartphone and a phablet, or a silicone case and a leather case, and you go examine which ones fit you. Clear your mind and avoid being bias with your analysis, and when you are already certain that you definitely made the right decision, use that as your motivation to move on.
Falling in love with a friend happens every once in a while; it's ok to take some chances. But keep in mind that whatever risk you take, there will always be repercussions at the end of the day.
 " How to Set the Good Relationship "
Success is from the party. Experts of career planning say that the standards factors of achieving the ideal have performance of 10%, self-position of 30% and relationship of 60%.
As to women, Success is often a hard thing. But we have to admit that success comes from the party. Hundreds of years ago, Men began to clinch a deal the buying and selling in a special cocktail party. From free market trading, students union etc, the "old network" to the golf club, giant conference or common experience sweating in the sauna, men will have a decision about the direction. It also confirmed the German sociologist said that "high-end policymakers support each other and achieve success, their motto is: you help me, and I will help you."
The specific ways are following. Know more people and known by more people. Many women are shy to use their communication ability and don't want to show their charm. Inappropriate humility and good family education too much will stop success. We conclude that who can deal with the relationship well, he will control more resource. Relationship is in the balance between paying and gaining, and a kind of fair transaction that is agreed by both. It is not related to the morality.
The easy steps have five. At first, you should set a goal. You had better ser a key goal for your future. The more specific you define, the easier it is for your network to be connected together. For example, you set the certain person as your idol, and you speak out your desire, then you can confirm the target that you can reach. Secondly, you need build the relationship. You should go out and take the activities. Every activity will expand your social circle. Of course, you can think about that that you want to know, and you can collect some information and talk with them. You try to adapt to the atmosphere, as you may be nervous in order to communicate with them. Thirdly, you should tell others something, which is to find a new job and need a cheap computer. As long as you don't know who can help you, "the net" might come in handy. Fourthly, you should take an active part in the gathering. You can make use of the chance to be familiar to your colleagues, leadership and the person of opposite you at any time, such as, break, lunch time and the plane departure lounge. Fifth, it is an important method to collect information. You can listen positively to the dialogue, which make you know about relative information. In order to the work and life of the future, you should gaining some contacts and necessary information. For instant, the colleague is the Hui nationality and he never eats the pork. You must realize this point when you have dinner together. Some colleagues like playing games and spend time and money for http://rs.farmer100.com/">runescape money and cheap rs gold. You had better not express the bad words about games. These will break the relationship. If you can develop the common hobby such as the runescape, you will have the same topic and maybe share the experience about rs accounts for sale. It is good for keeping the relationship.
Various Benefits of Noni for Health
Noni Benefits – health articles from fruit to your diet this time will discuss about the benefits of noni fruit for health. The fruit is not good if eaten immediately it actually has a good range of benefits for health. Want to know what the health benefits of noni for? This brief article will answer noni ..
noni benefits for health
Health benefits of noni to include:
Helps the body’s immunity and resistance
Good immunity or immunity maximum can counteract many diseases attack, helps the body to fight disease and even to heal, it is based on the research. Schechter of California. Results of research conducted proved that noni can help the body increase the production of cells are very useful for fighting the disease, the T cells
Neutralize Blood Pressure
For those who have high blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure, it can help to neutralize noni his blood pressure back to normal. But remember, do not over or excessively consume noni fruit. If the blood pressure is normal, you should refrain from the use of noni. Exaggeration is certainly not a good result is not?

The way this is done for the purpose of taking Noni juice and drink it regularly. Pumping of blood by the heart can lead to high blood pressure. By drinking fruit juice, your body will absorb the natural womb, namely scopoletin which serves dilate blood vessels, so the heart is not pumping blood difficult.
Eliminate pain experienced by the body
One of the other benefits of noni was able to overcome the pain experienced by the body. Analgesic substances contained can be obtained by consuming noni fruit juice extracts. Maybe you’ve felt pain as a toothache, then given the drug mefenamic acid or Ponstan. Well, given the effects of noni fruit is the same with both drugs, which relieve pain or in the world of medicine known as an analgesic agent
As an anti-bacterial
In addition to fruit, noni roots also contain benefits that are good for health, are compounds antraquinon. These compounds are useful to fight and eliminate the bacteria staphylococcus and shigella bacteria that can cause dysentery and infection of the heart.

Some of the above are some of the many health benefits of noni to actually benefit from this fruit more. How? Interested to consume this miracle fruit? In addition to consuming fruit on a regular basis, in order to get maximum results, do not forget to multiply drinking water and make it a habit of healthy lifestyles.

Senin, 29 April 2013

passive voice

Use of Passive
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Example: My bike was stolen.
In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.
Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:
Example: A mistake was made.
In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).
Form of Passive
Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)
Example: A letter was written.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)
Passive Sentences with Two Objects
Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you want to put the focus on.
As you can see in the examples, adding by Rita does not sound very elegant. That’s why it is usually dropped.
Personal and Impersonal Passive
Personal Passive simply means that the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. So every verb that needs an object (transitive verb) can form a personal passive.
Example: They build houses. – Houses are built.
Verbs without an object (intransitive verb) normally cannot form a personal passive sentence (as there is no object that can become the subject of the passive sentence). If you want to use an intransitive verb in passive voice, you need an impersonal construction – therefore this passive is called Impersonal Passive.
Example: he says – it is said
Impersonal Passive is not as common in English as in some other languages (e.g. German, Latin). In English, Impersonal Passive is only possible with verbs of perception (e. g. say, think, know).
Example: They say that women live longer than men. – It is said that women live longer than men.
Although Impersonal Passive is possible here, Personal Passive is more common.
Example: They say that women live longer than men. – Women are said to live longer than men.
The subject of the subordinate clause (women) goes to the beginning of the sentence; the verb of perception is put into passive voice. The rest of the sentence is added using an infinitive construction with 'to' (certain auxiliary verbs and that are dropped).

Sometimes the term Personal Passive is used in English lessons if the indirect object of an active sentence is to become the subject of the passive sentence.
1. Simple Present Tense
S + IS/AM/ARE + V 3
I am called by the teacher
Mimy is bitten by a little dog
The house is sold by the owner.
2. Present Continuous Tense
I am being called by the teacher
Mimy is being bitten by a little dog
The house is being sold by the owner.
3. Present Perfect Tense
I have been called by the teacher
Mimy has been bitten by a little dog
The house has been sold by the owner.
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
I have been being called by the teacher
Mimy has been being bitten by a little dog
The house has been being sold by the owner.
1. Simple Past Tense
S + WAS/WERE + V 3
We were called by the teacher
Mimy was bitten by a little dog
The house was sold by the owner.
2. Past Continuous Tense
We were being called by the teacher
Mimy was being bitten by a little dog
The house was being sold by the owner.
3. Past Perfect Tense
S + HAD + BEEN + V 3
I had been called by the teacher
Mimy had been bitten by a little dog
The house had been sold by the owner.
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
S + HAD + BEEN + BEING + V 3
I had been being called by the teacher
Mimy had been being bitten by a little dog
The house had been being sold by the owner.
1. Simple Future Tense
S + WILL + BE + V 3
I will be called by the teacher
Mimy will be bitten by a little dog
The house will be sold by the owner.
2. Future Continuous Tense
S + WILL + BE + BEING + V 3
I will be being called by the teacher
Mimy will be being bitten by a little dog
The house will be being sold by the owner.
3. Future Perfect Tense
S + WILL + HAVE + BEEN + V 3
I will have been called by the teacher
Mimy will have been bitten by a little dog
The house will have been sold by the owner.
4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
I will have been being called by the teacher
Mimy will have been being bitten by a little dog
The house will have been being sold by the owner.